But… While recently browsing through the Elephant 6 site, I noticed something I hadn’t seen before. Every artist connected with Elephant 6 is listed on the band page with a quick bio and discography. Listed there now is a dead link for Jeff Mangum followed by the words “Coming soon”. Now, what exactly does this mean? In all likelihood, it means the people in charge of the Elephant 6 site are finally just going to put up a bio about Mangum’s brief solo work. There’s always a possibility (one in a googol) that this could mean a return for the musical genius behind Neutral Milk Hotel and Major Organ and His Adding Machine.
Granted, there’s no way it means that, but a guy can dream. It also gives me a chance to dish out some solo Mangum.
Jeff Mangum - Oh Comely (Live at Jittery Joe's)
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